Friday, June 20, 2008

The Resume - Some Tips to Keep in Mind

If you're not getting an internship through a family member, chances are your resume will be compared to everyone else's that applied for the same internship that you did! This means that your resume has to be impeccable. Every now and then, Jobosity comes out with great, detailed articles on the resume. Here are just a few tips on how to make your stand out from the rest!

Cover letter always include a cover letter. Keep it to three or four paragraphs and address it to someone specific at the company. (Check with human resources if you don't have a name.) Follow the marketing approach known as ''AIDA'': Get their attention, create interest, build desire, conclude with action (asking for an interview).
Short-term jobs A list of several short-term jobs could raise questions about your ability to settle into one place for long. One way to handle this is to create a heading called ''Relevant Experience,'' where those jobs are removed from the general employment history section but highlighted as skill-building opportunities in another section.
Everything positive
Never state anything in the negative; always see the positive in what you've accomplished. For instance, if you dropped out of college after two years, that means you still ''Completed two years toward a bachelor's degree.''
Employment gaps If you've had a lapse in employment last a couple years or more, explain it. Otherwise, the prospective employer might wonder why your work history ends in 2006. You might need to include a note saying you were out of the work force to care for an elderly parent or write a book or raise a child.

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